What colors go well with neutrals?

Neutrals meet pastels One surefire way to incorporate color into a neutral palette is to opt for soft pastel tones. Pretty much any pastel shade will blend perfectly with a neutral color scheme.

What colors go well with neutrals?

Neutrals meet pastels One surefire way to incorporate color into a neutral palette is to opt for soft pastel tones. Pretty much any pastel shade will blend perfectly with a neutral color scheme. Add light blue, mint and pastel pink tones. It's not just about their ability to fit any style or budget, but also about their versatility and longevity.

Neutral colors are timeless because they look good in any room in the house, from the kitchen and bathroom to the bedroom and living room. According to color theory, a neutral color is a tone that lacks color, that is, a quiet background color that does not compete with other flashy tones. Pure neutral colors are black, brown, gray and white. They are pure because they have no underlying hues or colors.

The best-known neutrals are gray and brown. Gray and brown can be created by combining two complementary colors and can vary in tone or shade if a small amount of another color is added.

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