What are some tips for decorating a house with bold colors?

If there are blues in a room, mix some oranges and reds. It will immediately inject more energy into a space.

What are some tips for decorating a house with bold colors?

If there are blues in a room, mix some oranges and reds. It will immediately inject more energy into a space. Keep in mind that these colors can (and should) be used in different textures. Bold colors can be a great way to highlight a room and make it stand out.

However, you should consider the flow of the whole house when decorating with bold colors, especially if you're painting the walls, an accent wall, or the ceiling. An easy way to incorporate color into a home is to paint the walls a bright color without overwhelming the interiors. According to AK Painting Powerwashing, you should create an accent wall with a solid wall without doors or windows. This tip allows the color to attract attention without the viewer being distracted by other elements.

An accent color will look great on a wall that doesn't have paintings or mirrors. If you're ready to play with bright colors, consider reducing the number of patterns used in the room. Sticking to solid colors is often an easier way for our brain to process color, rather than using several patterns that can be overwhelming. The goal is to find the perfect balance so that guests never feel too stimulated in a colorful home.

On the other hand, if you're more attracted to prints, Nozawa recommends finding a pattern with a limited color history, which then serves as the basis for the palette of the rest of the room. After her exuberant exhibition at the Kips Bay Decorator Show House in Palm Beach, designer Noz Nozawa explains how you can incorporate vivid tones into your own home.

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