Is it safe to clean a microwave with vinegar?

There are many different methods and products available to clean a microwave, but white vinegar is easy, safe, and affordable. Steam cleaning a microwave with white vinegar gets the job done with minimal effort.

Is it safe to clean a microwave with vinegar?

There are many different methods and products available to clean a microwave, but white vinegar is easy, safe, and affordable. Steam cleaning a microwave with white vinegar gets the job done with minimal effort. This is because white vinegar is very acidic, making it a great natural cleaning product. For expert advice on how to clean a microwave, we went directly to our professionals at the Good Housekeeping Institute Home Care Home Care & Cleaning Lab, Carolyn Forté and Jodhaira Rodriguez.

According to them, both everyday cleaning products, such as dish soap and the magic eraser from Mr. Clean, like natural ingredients, such as baking soda, lemon, and vinegar, can be effective. Vinegar works well with fat, Rodriguez says. The lemon water method for the inside helps to moisten the interior and to loosen any food that has gotten stuck.

The microwave will be easier to clean and will stay clean for longer if you clean up spills, splashes, and grease stains as soon as they occur. You'll usually want to use white vinegar or cleaning vinegar to clean the microwave, but if you only have apple cider vinegar on hand, you can always use it. If you are sensitive to the smell of vinegar and use cleaning vinegar to clean the microwave, I would dilute it even more and follow the instructions above.

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