What cleaning supplies do you need for a new house?

Clean the inside and outside of the medicine cabinet, linen closet, and bathroom vanity drawers with paper towels or a clean cloth dampened with an all-purpose cleaner. Don't forget accessories such as handles, knobs and handles.

What cleaning supplies do you need for a new house?

Clean the inside and outside of the medicine cabinet, linen closet, and bathroom vanity drawers with paper towels or a clean cloth dampened with an all-purpose cleaner. Don't forget accessories such as handles, knobs and handles. Scrub the toilet with a toilet brush. Use sponges or paper towels to clean the outside, back, and toilet handles.

Use a disinfectant cleaner everywhere, inside and out. Use a mild all-purpose cleaner on paper towels to clean the inside of cabinets, especially if they are painted or lined. If they're not lined, consider installing shelf liners to make sure the interior is ready for dishes. Wash interior walls and any non-removable shelves with an all-purpose cleaner and paper towels.

If you prefer to wash the inside of the appliance with something more natural, fill a spray bottle with a cleaning solution of two tablespoons of baking soda and hot water. Or, fill a spray bottle with an equal mixture of white vinegar and water. You can use less vinegar and more water if you prefer. Cleaning the inside of an oven is often overlooked, but traces of grease or spills may remain that require attention.

A great multi-purpose cleaner for multiple surfaces is definitely one of the most essential cleaning products you can have. Below is a checklist of household cleaning supplies and equipment, with exactly what you need for your home, and scroll down to the bottom for a printable list of cleaning supplies. When you move in with all your belongings, clean all upholstered furniture, clean surfaces, such as dressers and nightstands, and change bed linen to have nice, clean sheets. A good set of thick rubber gloves is inexpensive and is a necessity to protect your hands from cleaning chemicals and any type of dirt you come across.

Of course, depending on what's in your house to clean, you might not need all of the items on the list, and other items that are vital to your cleaning efforts won't appear on the list because they're not typical. Cleaning outdoor areas may not be as popular as other cleaning activities, but it's just as important. Thoroughly cleaning your new home before moving in with your belongings will get you off to a good start. Before buying it, they probably did a pretty thorough inspection, but that doesn't mean the house is clean.

Depending on the size and condition of your home, there are a few different methods for cleaning it. To clean wood floors, whether they are hardwood, artificial wood, or wood-like laminate floors, clean them well and be sure to clean them under ventilation grilles and appliances. Try to list household cleaning supplies and tools that can be used in various places or ways, rather than specialized cleaning supplies that can only be used one way.

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